Posts Tagged ‘outdoor’


(February 16th, 2010)

Dear Planet Earth,

The far-away state of relaxation is one that is strived for by many.
In such a world where trecherous grey clouds haunt the sky like ghosts for hours
Where the dirty, mossy color of snow is spilt across the sidewalks and streets, pushed around by smog-expelling SUV’s and trucks.
Where nature just doesn’t make things turn out the way you want them to. When piles of mess push you back as you attempt to cross the sidewalk.
What’s the point of avoiding the outdoors? Since when has nature ever been a problem in our lives. The wild rabbits, deer, and other creatures deal with its severity, from strong winds to tempermental downpours of rain, why have humans just grown to go against it? We supply ourselves with soft, smooth, comforting homes to flee from the power of nature. We turn large ceder trees into chairs and tables to adjust to our so called “human-ness”. We are happy… but are we really?
I mean, inside such buildings the same sources of threat from outdoors  flow indirectly into mental and physical pain of being indoors.
Lack of sunlight, headaches and nausea from overuse of computers, iPods, and televisions. There is no safe place, it seems.
Stuck inside a power-ridden house after a thunderstorm crashes through the air. Trapped inside a hidden jail. Where is a safe place now?
Where can I go for relaxation?
Beach- in our minds we see the pleasently structured sand, the endless waves, and eternal sunlight. Heading towards the nearest beach is a trash-contaminated nightmare. The grinding of sand against your tired feet. After the water, any part of the beach sticks with you as you depart. Real and ideal collide, forming a cluster of mixed messages.
So where is relaxation exactly? Over there? Over here? Well, it could be anywhere if you set your mind to it.